d�� a�� q�� g�� D�� F ���� design by sweet pea (irate shrimp)

2002-08-19 | 5:57 a.m.

Swapping brain candies

It's been a week since I put an entry in here. It's been a week spent discovering the world of online file sharing and coming down from Zoloft. I still haven't quite recovered from either.

It's really scary. Zoloft, I mean. I have always suffered depression, but I've always had the ability to be productive despite it ... until I started trying to treat it. In February, I started Prozac. After three days, I was confined to the couch for a week with a box of tissues, an ice pack, and a pair of sunglasses. For some reason, that shit blurs your vision and makes your head feel like it's about to explode at any second. Fun. So, I waited another 6 months before starting Zoloft, and only at a minute dose. It took a full month, but the familiar side effects came on last week.

Oh bla. I can't finish this entry. This shit stays in your system for god only knows how long, and the come-down process makes you feel all fucked up. One of the symptoms is the lack of ability to focus on any one project for long - like diary entry writing.

But the good news is, I now have 8 billion songs on my harddrive to accompany any mood swing or sentimental memory. I also have almost every episode of Kids in the Hall, Ren And Stimpy, and Strangers with Candy. Thank god, the internet has a use afterall.

Back to the world of the fully sane and overly medicated.

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