The Veclempt Have Spoken

Carla - 2002-11-27 04:23:57

Happy T-Day babe! May the plane rock but not roll!

GayFraud - 2002-11-27 06:48:53

An update:

No, I didn't make it to Colorado yet. That's the view I woke up to from the front door of my house in New Jersey. God, I hope the runway is as free of snow as the street is. Have I mentioned that I hate traveling? I hate planes? And I hate planes that have me in them? On the bright side, I love snow! No school today. Did you know you can post pictures in comments?

Mother Shrimp - 2002-12-05 20:19:44

That's a lot of snow for November 26th! More than here. The plane does look ominous. But you have already been and returned. I will sign in a welcome home from Mother Shrimp! I'm catching up on the last few entries so I am reading backwards. Is that wrong?

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