The Veclempt Have Spoken

ThatGrrrl - 2002-11-24 09:37:18

Wow! That's beautiful! I'm so glad you made peace with the quilt and then made it work out so nicely. Awesome.

bmoviemaven - 2002-11-24 10:36:09

you're the poo. i am in fucking awe.

Sweet Pea - 2002-11-24 10:55:39

It wasn't one week, it was six. :)

Greglicious - 2002-11-24 11:27:06

Celebrate the wonder of Quilting! WooHoo!

Chris - 2002-11-24 12:08:49

Whee! I'm good for something! Now I'm not going to sit and eat rice all day in a sulk because my Cozy Christmas quilt isn't working with me. I'm gonna go back in there and beat it's ass into submission! Your SoB looks wonderful! I haven't tried anything that complicated. I hate triangles. I keep ending up with them cuz they're beautiful, but whatever. I've gone a few Trip (around the world) quilts, this Cozy Christmas one, a Rail Fence, a mystery quilt, and my Jewel Box quilt. I think that's it. Maybe there's more. And piffle on your embarrassment. If you can turn out something that good looking, fuck the critics!

beth - 2002-11-24 13:33:03

heeey. love the quilt! it rocks. if you want to read my diary just leave me a note and ask for the password and stuff. <3

Aaron - 2002-11-24 14:02:12

Quilting hmmm? Now I don't feel bad about my cake decorating skills! But it is a nice quilt... very nice. Worthy of all the pain and frustration.

Shrimp Sherry aka Mother Shrimp - 2002-11-24 20:41:17

This proves once and for all that even if you've stayed in the closet too long you can come out and be a star! Beautiful work!

Carla - 2002-11-25 01:03:56

Oooohh, I want to wrap myself up in your quilt and go to sleep. And quit listening to that naggy voice in your head when you feel like writing. I suffered a years-long writer's block because I put up with that bitch of a voice for far too long. And RRRRR -- wish I had one ounce of the talent you've demonstrated in either quilting, decorating, writing, and mathematics. And *sigh*, I am feeling veclempt today. So relax and have some fun for me!

chance - 2002-11-25 17:34:05

i like your diary. *heart*

Elaine - 2002-11-25 18:51:35

Awww! My mother quilts, but it looks nothing like yours. She had this *fabulous* idea to make a pin wheel quilt with bright orange and camouflage... It's the ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on. Oh well. If you think being called a quilter is bad, you should think of the pain when you have to go to 'smocking' meetings.

allison - 2002-11-25 22:27:45

if you fall off the horse, sue the owner and make him sell the horse on the black market to pay your fees. simple solution to a lifelong problem.

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