The Veclempt Have Spoken

lost - 2002-11-19 06:23:26

Thinking of you and your tooth. Hope you're feeling better soon. There's no pain like tooth pain. You're a trooper for not committing suicide after 6 whole days. MY GOD!!

Katie - 2002-11-19 19:01:25

one of theese days i'll get to be the first comment but untill then i will have to settle for second best you should sue that damed doctor for the pain he put you through sue him then sic a large angry convict on him yes large angry convicts are good for somethings love ya katie

Sweet Pea - 2002-11-19 19:08:58

For his loyal fans, I am the one and only Sweet Pea himself, in the cyber-flesh, leaving a comment for the world to see. And, yes, I am the person who paid Network Solutions actual U.S. dollars to register the domain name This isn�t a plug for my content-free site � it�s simply a confession. (I don�t mean the site has content for free � I mean the site is free of content and entirely pointless.) And the hit counter is a lie. Shhhhh�. I can't really imagine why, but, looking back at the first paragraph, there's something inherently just a little bit awkward about publicly referring to myself as Sweet Pea. It�s fine when he does it� but it�s not rolling off my own fingers the same way. It�s true that I�m extraordinarily sweet and somewhat pea-shaped� but I lack the corresponding hue and semi-permeable outer coating. It just doesn�t feel honest. I�m writing here tonight simply because I feel the need to clarify one thing: the picture wasn�t of a wet road sign; it was of the white sky ABOVE a wet road sign. Other than that, the recount of our trip was perfectly accurate. And I didn�t get yelled at even once for speeding wildly through the rain� which must mean that I�m mellowing at the age of� um� never mind. That sentence was going bad places. Anyway� (this will embarrass him so much!!)� I love you honey. :) SP

nico - 2002-11-19 23:58:04

6 days??? You are made of far sterner stuff than I am. I hope he fixes it soon.

Carla - 2002-11-20 07:35:09

Ow, how I remember my pain from last year. That buttwipe dentist. And don't feel so bad about the most funniest list -- I am seriously beginning to suspect that some of the finalists and a couple of the tops are somehow either voting for themselves over and over or have set up some chain e-mail way of having their buddies vote over and over for them. I didn't even crack a smirk reading bits and pieces of them. Take much care, babe, and YOU TOO, Sweet Pea!!! (Doesn't roll off my fingers either!) LOL! : D

Chris - 2002-11-20 09:46:25

Oh yay! I just found you via your ass. fragrance banner. Who could resist that? I'm glad I did. I've read a few older entries but *really* need to get back to quilting or I'll never be done before the holiday season! I'll be back though!

Goddess001 - 2002-11-20 14:19:13

Hello again. I just read Sweet Pea's comment, and I think you guys have something special. I believe you guys are going to make it. Gayfraud, dont think for one minute that you are not funny, for you have the greatest sense of humor I have seen in a very long time...

paige - 2002-11-20 15:24:01

hey, well done for coping with the pain, and well done for not killing the dentist over the phone. i don't think i would ever have been that nice! i'm trying to cope with a bizarre pain in my throat which is affecting merely the right side and my gland. so there we are. and you should so have won the funniest diary entry thing. loveness paige xoxoxox p.s hi sweetpea!

javabill - 2002-11-22 15:08:55

i feel your pain. as someone who had all of his teeth removed let me give you my advice on how to keep the pain down a bit. mix carnation instant breakfast, some milk, ice cream, & a banana in a blender & drink. (if you don't do milk, use soy milk & soy ice cream) the potassium in the bananas helps healing, & the coolness of the ice cream helps keep the swelling down. rinse after you eat & keep your head elevated when you sleep. and if you start to run a tempature call your doctor ASAP. jaw infections hurt like hell & can be dangerous if not treated. good luck.

sherry shrimp - 2002-11-24 21:31:17

I think I now understand why the expression: "the root of all evil" came into being. It must have something to do with the roots of teeth and how much pain they can produce. The most absurd dentist story I know: This happened to my closeset friend. The orthodontist didn't pay attention to the the film my friend's dentist sent to him of the tooth that needed root canal work and proceeded to extract the wrong tooth. He did a good job and fully removed the roots! Goodbye to a perfectly healthy tooth. But the pain continued and when my friend returned to the oral surgeon he realized and admitted freely that he had removed the wrong tooth. He apologized and did a good job on removing the correct one. Then he sent a bill for both teeth! When my friend politely complained, thinking it was a mistake, the dentist said that he had to charge him because it took as much time to do the wrong one as the right one! My friend refused and the dentist actually became indignant and angry. My friend never paid him for the second tooth. There were threats of suing involved. About the rain. Strangely or not, I was in Gettysburg during the same time frame and can testify that it was overwhelmingly wet!

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